Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Radicalized Disciple

"Radicalized" is a new word that has entered into the culture of ideas since 9/11. We of course, know the word but not with the new meanings assigned to it since the "War on Terror" began to reach our shores. With the recent attacks at Ft. Hood, Texas, and other attempts by US citizens to inflict great damage against our country the inquiries into the backgrounds of the men and people involved or accused come to this question; "When were they radicalized?" "When did they move from "critic" of American policy to a "combatant" in a war against the West? When and how did they decide that merely holding private opinions against another culture and way of life become "not enough" for them. They had to do more, to engage personally with great sacrifice and passion at the risk of everything they had and even their own lives.
Such "radicalizing" happened in the life of the famous, Ernesto "Che" Guevara. He was raised by parents who were sympathetic socialists in Argentina in the early days following the end of WWII. He had cultivated a strong mind and will against capitalism and the "North". Having spent much time traveling though most of Latin America by motorcycle, Che found himself in the home of friends in Mexico, who introduced him to Fidel Castro. All that was said between them that night is unknown, but the outcome is clearly seen. "Che" found a "soul mate" in Fidel Castro. He was "radicalized" to actions that resulted in the overthrow of the Cuban government and a plan to turn Latin America into the next great "communist superpower".
Let me quickly say, I don't mean to sound as though I admire these people. They are twisted and evil without question who would commit such acts of terror and murder. I only mean to examine the "radicalization process". How do we measure what is "radical". We "preachers" speak all the time about becoming a "radical Christian"; living "radical lives" for Jesus and furthermore, we admire those who make "radical stands" for Christ. If you examine closely the lives of those who are "radical", I believe you will find a moment in which they were "radicalized". Somewhere the truth of the gospel moved them to a place in which it was not enough for them to merely, have strong opinions about the abortion question, they had to engage in stopping the slaughter of innocent lives; suddenly it was not enough for them to "have church" or "be doctrinally sound", or merely believe that Jesus calls all men to follow him; but they must obey with radical steps of obedience that will put their lives at risk and deeply change the structure of the life they have know.
We find a positive example of one radicalized in the Apostle Paul. On the road to Damascus this most radical of Jewish leaders became "radicalized" by a face to face meeting with Jesus Christ. His formal ideas of religion were destroyed by the very words that created in him the faith to believe upon Him whose Name and Fame he tried to destroy. Within days he was speaking so boldly of the man, Jesus Christ and his claims upon every man's soul as Lord, that the Jews plotted to kill him and he had to escape in a basket over the wall of the city. And this was only the beginning of a life of radical engagement of his culture, religion and the lifestyles of the first century Roman Empire and traditional religion. To put it is the simplest of terms, Jesus had radicalized Paul to the point that he was incapable of staying disengaged from actively advancing the cause of Christ no matter the cost to his life.
Paul describes the process by which he was radicalized in many places, but I think most clearly in Galatians 2:19-21; "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no long I who live, but Christ who lives in me,. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not nullify the grace of God, for if justification were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose." I believe we have here the five most radical statements of the Christian life condensed in one place, anywhere in scripture. Here is gospel truth, that if believed, will thoroughly radicalize your behavior and our life choices. You will join an army of radicalized followers who have been transformed by the truth of the gospel.
Caution: This is not merely a literary tool to metaphorically change your life or attitude. This will result in radical behaviors with serious consequences to your life and the lives of others. If you want to here more about these five radical statements follow the link to the message or go to Crosspoint audio.

Pastor Don

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